lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Monday 11th May, 2020

Hello everybody! Hope you had a good weekend ;)

This is our ENGLISH work for today.

- Correct last day's worksheet and do this new one (I will post the answers tomorrow)

Corrections Unit 7_Wks 1
1. bank /kite
2. park /bus station
3. sports centre /library
4. museum /map
5. tiger/town hall
6. supermarket/cinema
7. I'm in the market
Exercise 2 (students' own answers)

And this is our NATURAL and SOCIAL work for the week:


- Read about "Forces" (pages 114-115) and do ex. 3 on page 115.


- Correct questions about the Metal Age:

1. When did the Metal Age begin? The Metal Age began with the discovery of metal.
2. Apart from weapons, what else did people in the Metal Age make with metals? They made tools, weapons and jewellery.
3.What were the developments in the Metal Age? As well as metallurgy, other developments were sailing boats and carts with wheels.
4. How do we call trading without money? Bartering means trading without money.
5. What and who protected the towns? Big walls and warriors protected the towns.

- This week, revise Prehistory. Do these exercises: page 100 (ex. 4, 5) page 101 (ex. 8, 12)

REMEMBER, today is the last day to send me by email the Arts activity about cave paintings.

On Friday this week we will have questionnaires, so study:

- English: Unit 7 + Present Perfect vs. Past Simple (review)
- Natural S: Changes of state + Forces
- Social S: The Metal Age (I can also include some questions about the Paleolithic and the Neolithic, so revise the three periods of Prehistory)

I will post a new Arts activity on Friday.

Have a good day!